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Play Based Learning

Updated: Jun 8, 2023

What is it?

The University of New Hampshire: Early Learning Coaching Team, put together a definition of play-based learning. It highlights the benefits, and defines the roles of both the adult and child.

  • Guided play is child-directed and teacher-facilitated in which teachers take an active role as intentional planners, observers, and guides.

  • During play, children use all their senses, communicate their thoughts and emotions, explore their environment, and connect what they already know with new knowledge, skills and attitudes.

  • Adults help enhance play-based learning by creating environments where rich play experiences are available.

How can you try play-based learning this month?

  1. Choice: Allow your keiki to take ownership of their learning.

  2. Fun: An emotional connection makes lessons stick.

  3. Process oriented: Encourage your keiki to get in the zone with a few challenges and lots of time to get fully engaged.

Planning a Learning Event at iTrampoline Hawaii.

With the help of iTrampoline Hawaii, teachers are getting a chance to integrate academic skills with fun exercise and activities. Our events team has put together protocols to help schools make a smooth transition back into the field trip routine at



Department of EducaƟon, Culture and Employment, Government of the Northwest Territories (2014). Integrated Kindergarten Curriculum: A HolisƟc Approach to Children’s Early Learning, from hƩps:// kindergarten_curriculum_2014.pdf

OntarioScienceCentre. (2017). How to get into Play-Based Learning: Part 1 - What is Play? YouTube. Retrieved February 17, 2023, from

University of New Hampshire: Preschool Development Grant. (2021, October 27). Play-based learning defined. College of Health and Human Services. Retrieved February 17, 2023, from

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