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How to book an event at iTrampoline Hawaii?

With the help of iTrampoline Hawaii, teachers are getting a chance to integrate academic skills with fun exercise and activities. Post COVID, school-administrators are learning what works and what doesn’t work. Our events team has put together protocols to help schools make a smooth transition back into the field trip routine.

Have a Team Meeting

Now that you’ve decided to bring your group to the park it’s time to solidify the details. Start by selecting the date that will work the best. Do you want to start, or end the week with a field trip? Keep in mind that for after a field trip students may be restless going back to the classroom. Consider ending the week with something exciting, that takes the students into the weekend. Decide how many hours you want to spend at the park.

Select a Primary Contact Person

While the planning process is certainly a group effort. Designate a specific person to reach out to certain vendors and handle overall communication. This will make things easier on the venue, vendors, other teachers, and parents. They know who to contact with questions and concerns. Those primary contacts will present their information to the planning committee and relay details on behalf of your organization.

Coordinate with iTrampoline/Caterers/Travel

Now that you have the main details it’s time for each primary contact person to reach out to the vendors for their portion of the event. Here’s a checklist of items to get started:

☐ Get an event estimate from iTrampoline Hawaii.

When you reach out you’ll want to know. How many of the guests are jumping? How long will the group jump? Overall, how long will the group be at the park? Any additional costs: grip socks, arcades, or drinks. A team member will email you an estimate from A 50% deposit is required to save the date.

☐ Arrange transportation.

It’s important that all the required forms for transportation get filled out. Let the company know when you’re departing and returning so they can plan accordingly.

☐ Are you having lunch at the park or at school?

The most popular idea with students would be an off-site vendor. One of our favorite bento vendors is Reecie B. You can find her contact info on iTrampoline’s parties page. Some schools have the choice of using their regular school lunch vendor. If that’s an option, tell the staff what day to prepare the lunches for travel. Smaller schools may opt to have the students bring lunch from home. Some students may request to do that anyway. The sooner you let the parents know about the field trip the easier it will be to select food options.

☐ Communicate with teachers to arrange supervision.

Determine how many adults or classroom aids are needed to make sure all the students are accounted for. This will vary based on the age and maturity of your group. You can even ask for parent volunteers by sending an additional note with the permission slip. It’s recommended to put no more than 15 students with one chaperone.

☐ Type out field trip information to disperse to parents.

Let the parents know: where you are going; when you are going (including the time you’re leaving and returning to campus); contact information for a primary staff member); what the students need to wear/bring.

Everything else you need to know about having a field trip at iTrampoline can be found at Our team has listed exactly what we need from you to make this field trip a success. You can find all our frequently asked questions there as well. Don’t be afraid to reach out with any special requests or additional questions. We have a special team designated for planning and hosting your iTrampoline event. Contact us through email: or by phone: (808)380-4706.

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